Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Board Minutes 3-11-2009 (cont.)

Democrats:  Jason Judd and Jack Lynch

Republicans:  Jeff Holtzinger, Randy McClement, and Clint Hoffman

The Board of Directors determined the following process for this forum:
1) Joe Volz will write and send letters to all candidates indicating that if they are successful in the Primary Election on September 15, 2009 they would be invited to the WMCA forum on September 16, 2009.  They would be requested to place this date in their calendars.
2) Questions or topics will be sent to them in advance by Joe Volz.
3) After these questions have been addressed, questions can be raised by the WMCA audience.  
4) Carol will request two microphones for this evening.

VIII. Panel Discussion Topics
It was determined that the WMCA Web-Site would be used to receive response votes from the membership as to their preferences for the following topics:  
1. The state of education in the Frederick County Public Schools
2. A presentation by members of the School for the Deaf and Galludet College
3. A panel discussion on wellness which will include acupuncture, massage, and holistic medicine, etc.
4. Those services currently available from the city, county, and state that would be of interest to our members

Each member can submit on the web-site their two top choices for the panel discussions.