Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Minutes 5-16-2009 (cont.)

     codes.  A prime example is the Worman’s Mill Town Center with variances granted for parking, setbacks, and building heights.  How, as mayor, would you respond to this dilemma?
Randy McClement’s Response:  The Worman’s Mill Center has fallen under two codes:  1) the old zoning ordinance and the 2) new land management code.  Thus, the Town Center got stuck between the two codes.  Communication is the key.  I would sit down directly with the planning department and the citizens of Worman’s Mill and talk with you about your concerns.  I want to deal with you on a direct basis.
Jason Judd’s Response:  A better fit between the land management code and approved projects is needed.  We need to improve this process.  I want to encourage developers to bring in projects that match the land management code and allow some reasonable flexibility.  Growth should be directed by the land management code.  I will spend time in each community to have developers be sensitive to the needs of the community.  

3. Rental Property Concerns Question:  The problem of overcrowding and rental properties has been on the increase; fifty-one complaints may seem a small number, unless you live in a neighborhood affected by the problem.  One possible solution is a rental licensing program.  Recent attempts at establishing one have failed – dissent existed with the group charged with the duty of creating a viable plan and the issue seems to have been ignored by city officials.  How will you, as mayor, respond to this concern?
Jason Judd’s Response:  There is no question that too many rental properties have too many people living in them.  We are not using the livability code.  We are relying on the building code.  We can’t get into the homes and enforce the rules of occupancy.  The mayor has to achieve a code that will allow him to deal with this problem.  We also can’t allow city owners to sit on valuable properties and not develop them.  We need to redevelop    More