Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

January 20, 2010 (5:30 p.m.)
Frederick Community College (FCC)

Board of Directors Present:  Carol Goldstein, President; Allan Carlson, Vice-President; Judy Haines, Treasurer; Dick Menzer, Director – At – Large; Vicki Myers, Director – At – Large; and Noel Farmer, Secretary

Board of Directors Absent:  David Kaye, Director – At – Large (on vacation)

I. Announcements
President Carol Goldstein made the following announcements at the beginning of the meeting:
1. The WMCA will be planning a 2010 Conservancy Candidates Forum in April 2010 at the WMCA Clubhouse and will be seeking questions from the membership for the forum.  The selected questions will be sent to the candidates in advance via e-mail.  It is hoped that this activity will allow members to participate who have difficulty in attending the regular General Meetings due to other commitments.
2. There is a need for more WMCA membership participation in the Neighborhood Advisory Council that represents the Worman’s Mill community.
3. An e-mail survey will be distributed to the WMCA membership soliciting the preference of the membership regarding the donation of $1,000 from the raffle proceeds to some selected charity.  The responses will be due by January 29, 2010.  The membership will be requested to state a “Yes or No” vote for this charity contribution and to suggest a preferred charity.  Those members who do not have a computer can pick up a document on the table by the stairs in the Clubhouse and vote, sign, and mail it to the WMCA Secretary, Noel Farmer.  If it is the will of the membership that the organization donate to a charity, a motion will  More