Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Minutes 5-20-2009 (cont.)

1. Triple A Bond Rating
2. Highest average income as a state in America
3. Strong State School System
4. Strong technology development

    He believes that the Public Retirement Fund Requirements will have to be
                modified next year in order to achieve a balanced budget.  

Future Needs:  Mr. Clagett offered the following approaches to promote   more efficient government:
1. Be careful with unfunded programmatic mandates
2. Elect people who are fiscally responsible and have a business background
3. Initiate home rule for Frederick County with a County Executive and a County Council

II. Announcements
Carol Goldstein made the following announcements:
A. Candidates Forum Format:  Carol indicated that questions would be solicited from the membership in the month of June and that questions would be sent to all candidates ten days in advance of the Forum.  There would also be an opportunity for the audience to ask questions at the forum of the two final candidates from the Republican and Democratic parties for the position of Frederick City Mayor.  Tom Schuerger will be the Moderator for this event.  
B. Carol stated that she would solicit in the next Mill Monitor volunteers to attend the county meetings and report on the interests that concern the Worman’s Mill community.
C. Allan Carlson encouraged use of the new WMCA web-site.                          More