Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Minutes 9-16-2009 (cont.)

III. Mayoral Forum
Carol Goldstein introduced the Republican Candidate for Mayor, Mr. Randy McClement;  the Democratic Candidate for Mayor, Mr. Jason Judd: and the moderator of the forum, Mr. Thomas Schuerger.  After the introductions were given, Carol explained the format for the forum with four minutes per response by each candidate for the prearranged questions which would be announced by Tom Schuerger. The following represents a short summary of the responses for each of the questions:

1. Golden Mile Question:  The Golden Mile, once a bright star in Frederick’s firmament, has become an eyesore, a problem due to lack of proactive planning as well as an increase in crime and drug activity.  Once visualized as a cornerstone of economic growth, it has become a victim of sprawl and disorganization.   How will you, as mayor, respond to this concern?
Jason Judd’s Response:  We need a new vision that provides for a mixed use that will anchor the development in the west of the Golden Mile.  I will attempt to get help from Annapolis and Washington.  Other areas beside the Golden Mill also need attention in Frederick City.  I will insist that the planning documents be followed.  
Randy McClement’s Response:  This is just one of many properties that the economy is impacting.  It is not just poor planning.  I want to encourage small businesses in this solution and also involve a partnership with Fort Detrick with government contractors to attain more resources in the bio-tech area for future development

2. Variances by City Planning Commission Question: There is more and more concern about the increasing independence of the City Planning Commission.  Many of the developers are unable to build without vast variances being granted to the  city         More