Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

            THIS COLUMN & SOLICITATIONS (cont.)

have; so it has been written by members of the Board of the Association.  If any resident has an issue which he or she feels needs to be addressed, that individual is invited to submit what he or she wishes to see printed in the column.  All that needs to be done is to go to the "Contact  Us" page on our website and present it there or you can send the concern by email to; the material will be received by the Board, and if what is said is an appropriate topic for discussion, then it will be printed.  By appropriate, it is meant that the article should relate to what is going on in the community, what is being said by the Association or by the Conservancy, what is going on in the city, county or state.  The article must have the author's name given in order to be considered valid.

What is hoped is that a dialogue within the community can be developed on issues pertaining to the quality of life here.  Invited will be responses to what is said.  They too will be published if the guidelines presented above are followed.  Personal attacks are not invited; discussion regarding the issues is.

Now to the solicitation issue:  There is concern regarding solicitors who have been going house-to-house in the community.  Specific reference has been made to Jehovah's Witnesses, although others have been asking for magazine subscriptions.  

The roads within our community are public, they are controlled by the city; this gives anyone the ability to traverse them without hindrance.  The land upon which the residents reside is private property, owned by the individual who signed the deed.  This includes the front lawn, the house/ condominium and the back yard.  As such, no solicitation can be affected.  

There is a sign at the entrance to Worman's Mill at the Mill Pond entrance which states "No Solicitors".  There are owners who have posted in their front windows "No Solicitors".  The signs cannot be ignored by whoever is attempting to promote a cause or collect money.  It is strongly recommended that these signs be put in the front window of the residences.  Failing this, if anyone approaches a resident in an attempt   More